Criteria for transcription and TEI code

 The transcription retains all the features of the original document, including layout of the page (columns, line-division, compression, large colored initials), spelling, punctuation, capitalization, word division, variant letterform (for example the letter “v” is most of the times rendered as “u”), apparent slips of the pen and hand-shifts. However, in the poems only printed punctuation is transcribed: all manuscript additions to the text (except for the glosses) are ignored including interlinear additions of any sort.

The use of TEI code allows expanding all forms of abbreviation, including elisions, contractions, apocope, suspensions, expunctuations, compressions and special characters such as the tironian sign. However, in the poems (not in the handwritten glosses) we leave the sign “&” (= et) without expansion.


University of Oregon

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