Three scribes

Different hands completed the writing. One main scribe (Scribe A) copied what constitutes the original fundamental part of this edition.

Scribe A copied ff. 2-34r and 37r-48v: poems 1-243 and the extravagante sonnet O monti alpestri o cespogliosi mai immediately after 243; poems 264-339, 342, 340, 350-352, 354, 353, 355, 366. Notwithstanding the gothic form the writing of most of the poems is very accurate, with well proportioned letters and rounded detailed features. Distinct feature of this scribe is the use of the “ç” the letter “z”.

On the blank pages left at the end of part one Scribe B copied ff. 34r-36r: poems 244-263; and and 48v: the first 44 vv. of canzone 359, copied after 366. The writing of the second scribe is less accurate and attentive. Distinct features of this scribe are the writing of the letter “z” with the elongated shape below the line and the use of more frequent abbreviations.

Finally Scribe C added the extravagante sonnet Per utile per dilecto et per honore at the end of part one on f. 36r.

University of Oregon

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